
Responsible AI Principles through Stakeholder Engagement

The Open Loop India program was a collaborative effort between Meta, ArtEZ University of the Arts and The Dialogue, to develop a stakeholder engagement framework that operationalizes the principle of human-centered AI. The program involved working with a group of 12 Indian companies that use AI to test the prototype and provide feedback. The overarching goal was to provide evidence on the role of stakeholder engagement across the AI lifecycle for informing company implementation of human-centered AI.

Deployment Period | January - August 2023

The Open Loop India program was a collaborative effort between Meta, ArtEZ University of the Arts and The Dialogue, to develop a stakeholder engagement framework that operationalizes the principle of human-centered AI. The program involved working with a group of 12 Indian companies that use AI to test the prototype and provide feedback. The overarching goal was to provide evidence on the role of stakeholder engagement across the AI lifecycle for informing company implementation of human-centered AI.

Deployment Period | January - August 2023

Read the report now!

This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Open Loop India program. Through desk research, interviews, surveys and workshops, the policy prototyping program investigated:

  • How effectively does the policy prototype balance policy clarity, technical feasibility, and policy effectiveness for its intended audience?
  • How Indian start-ups currently perceive and engage with AI actors (and AI stakeholders) across the lifecycle and AI value chain and why?
  • The main challenges and pain points experienced by start-ups in India when mapping and engaging with stakeholders in the context of human-centered AI
  • Best practices that contribute to successful implementation of stakeholder engagement strategies and human-centered AI (as part of broader risk-management strategies)


Main Findings & Recommendations

The program’s outcomes resulted in several notable recommendations for policymakers, companies, and investors, to support stakeholder engagement across the AI lifecycle for informing company implementation of human-centered AI. Recommendations to policymakers include:

Developing guidance on stakeholder engagement for AI actors, focusing on the entire AI lifecycle. Guidance should be voluntary, accounting for the nuances across sectors, AI use cases, and risk profiles.

Promoting interoperability and synergies by designing guidance for AI stakeholder engagement that integrates with other key AI risk management frameworks and standards.

Catalyzing capacity building and knowledge sharing by establishing dedicated innovation funds and non-monetary benefits for companies that demonstrate a commitment to stakeholder engagement proactively, and by building a vibrant ecosystem for continuous learning.

Ensuring accountability and ecosystem enablers by proactively leading by example in stakeholder engagement in public AI initiatives.

Partners & Observers

The Open Loop India program was a collaborative effort between Meta, ArtEZ University of the Arts and The Dialogue.


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