
Welcome to Open Loop

A Global Experimental
Governance Program

Meta’s Open Loop is a global program that connects policymakers and technology companies to help develop effective and evidence-based policies for AI and other emerging technologies.

Through experimental governance methods, Meta’s Open Loop members co-create policy prototypes and test new or existing AI policies, regulations, laws, or voluntary frameworks. These multi-stakeholder efforts support rulemaking processes and  improve the quality of guidance and regulations on emerging technologies, ensuring that they are effective and feasible to implement.


A fresh take on policy

Meta’s Open Loop leverages policy prototyping and human-centered design methods to test existing governance frameworks for emerging technologies or to co-develop and evaluate new governance frameworks, with the aim of ultimately providing evidence-based input that can improve existing governance frameworks and/or inform lawmaking processes.

Trust, Transparency & Control Labs

Bringing together policy makers, privacy experts and product creators – using design thinking to improve trust, transparency and control in digital products.


Do you have innovative ideas on how to govern emerging technologies?
Do you want to co-develop and test new policy ideas?

We want to hear from you!

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