
Program Overview


Open Loop’s policy prototyping program in the United Kingdom

Meta’s Open Loop program launched its first policy prototyping program in the United Kingdom in September 2024, which is focused on understanding the current AI foundation model market and drivers or barriers to competition, as well as on the effective development and awareness of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) AI principles.

Meta’s Open Loop program launched its first policy prototyping program in the United Kingdom in September 2024, which is focused on understanding the current AI foundation model market and drivers or barriers to competition, as well as on the effective development and awareness of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) AI principles.

UK Open Source AI
Competition in AI Foundation Models

Meta’s Open Loop program launched its first policy prototyping program in the United Kingdom in September 2024, focused on understanding the current AI foundation model market and drivers or barriers to competition, as well as on the effective development and awareness of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) AI principles.

USA Risk Management Open Source AI
Generative AI Risk Management

Meta’s Open Loop launched its first policy prototyping research program in the United States in late 2023, focused on testing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework (RMF) 1.0. This program gave participating companies the opportunity to learn about NIST's AI RMF and subsequent “Generative AI Profile” (NIST AI 600-1), and to understand how this guidance can be applied to developing and deploying generative AI systems. At the same time, the program gathered evidence on current practices and provided valuable insights and feedback to NIST, which can inform future iterations of the RMF and Gen AI profile.

India Risk Management Open Source AI
Human-centric AI

The Open Loop India program was a collaborative effort between Meta, ArtEZ University of the Arts and The Dialogue, to develop a stakeholder engagement framework that operationalizes the principle of human-centered AI.


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